Data protection


Privacy policy

Version: May 2024

The provisions set out in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as GDPR) apply throughout Europe. We hereby inform you of our company’s processing of personal data in line with this regulation (see Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR).

List of contents:

  1. Scope
  2. Data Controller
  3. Data protection officer
  4. General Information on Data Processing
    1. No Obligation To Provide Data
    2. Consequences In Case You Do Not Provide The Required Data
    3. Consent
    4. Transfer Of Personal Data To Third Countries
    5. Hosting With External Service Providers
    6. Transmission To Government Authorities
  5. Collection and Processing of Personal Data Within the Scope of Our Services
    1. Coaching & Consulting
    2. Corporate Health
  6. Collection and Processing of Business Partner Data
  7. Online events for end customers
  8. Collection of Personal Data from Interested Parties for the Purpose of Acquisition
  9. Doorbell Cameras in front of Our Offices
  10. Collection and Processing of Personal Data within the Recruitment Application Process
  11. Collection of Personal Data When Visiting the Website
  12. Tracking to Analyse and Optimize Our Services and Their Use, As Well As To Measure The Success Of Advertising Campaigns And Optimize The Display Of Advertising
  13. Data Subject Rights
    1. Right to Object
    2. Right to Information
    3. Right to Rectification
    4. Right to Erasure (“Right to be Forgotten”)
    5. Right to Restriction of Processing
    6. Right to Data Portability
    7. Right to Withdraw Consent
    8. Right to Complain
1. Scope

Data processing by Fürstenberg Institut GmbH can essentially be divided into two categories:

For the purpose of contract processing, all data required for the execution of a contract with Fürstenberg Institut GmbH will be processed. If external service providers are also involved in the processing of the contract, your data will be passed on to them to the extent required.

When you access the website/application of Fürstenberg Institut GmbH, various information is exchanged between your device and our server. This may also include personal data. The information collected in this manner is used, among other things, to optimize our website or to display advertising in the browser of your end device.

This privacy policy also always applies if elsewhere from one of our offerings (e.g. webinars) reference is made to this privacy policy, regardless of how you access or use it.
All these offerings are also collectively referred to as “Services”.

2. Data Controller

Fürstenberg Institut GmbH
Gorch-Fock-Wall 3 20354 Hamburg
Telephone: +49 (0)40-380820-0

3. Data protection officer

You can contact our data protection officer as follows:
Contact form:

Dipl.-Kfm. Marc Althaus
Frapanweg 22
22589 Hamburg

4. General information on data processing

In this section of the privacy policy, we inform you in detail concerning the processing of personal data within the framework of our services. For better clarity, we structure this information according to certain functionalities of our services. In the normal use of the services, different functionalities, and thus also different processes, can come into effect successively or simultaneously.

a. No obligation to provide data

There is no contractual or legal obligation to provide personal data. You are not obliged to provide data.

b. Consequences In Case You Do Not Provide The Required Data

You are not obliged to provide data. Failure to provide the required data (data marked as mandatory during entry) means that the service in question cannot be provided. Otherwise, not providing data can result in the situation that our services cannot be provided in the same form and quality.

c. Transmission to government authorities

We transfer personal data to government authorities (including law enforcement agencies) if this is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which we are subject (legal basis: sentence 1 of Art. 6(1)(c) of the GDPR) or if it is necessary for asserting, exercising or defending legal claims (legal basis: sentence 1 of Art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR).

5. Collection and Processing of Personal Data Within the Scope of Our Services

a. Coaching & Consulting

We collect personal data for the purpose of making appointments, providing advice, and handling client inquiries or complaints.

Legal basis:
Art. 6 (1) b GDPR Performance of a contract

Categories of Personal Data:

  • Personal master data: title, gender, first name, last name, date of birth
  • Address data: street, house number, address additions, postal code, city, country
  • Contact data: telephone number(s), e-mail address(es)
  • Organizational data: organisation/location/business unit
  • Contents of coaching

Categories Of Recipients of The Personal Data:

  • Service providers to ensure our client services are available outside of core hours and on weekends.
  • Partner companies in the context of arranging care and childcare services.
  • Providers of video service tools in the case of online coaching and consulting.

Transfer of Personal Data to a Third Country:

There is no transfer of personal data to a Third Country by the Fürstenberg Institut.

Retention Period:

3 years after the end of the contractual relationship with the customer

b. Corporate Health

We collect personal data when planning, organising and holding events (e.g. workshops) to strengthen mental health in companies.


Legal basis:
Art. 6 (1) b GDPR Performance of a contract

Categories of Personal Data:

  • Personal master data: title, gender, first name, last name
  • Contact data: e-mail address(es)
  • Organizational data: organisation/location/business unit
  • Content in the context of online events

Categories Of Recipients of The Personal Data:

  • Hosting service providers for organizing and broadcasting online events.
  • Providers of video service tools in the case of online events.

Transfer of Personal Data to a Third Country:

There is no transfer of personal data to a Third Country by the Fürstenberg Institut.

Retention Period:

We delete the personal data collected in the course of organising and holding events after the data retention is no longer necessary unless there are legal retention obligations or statutes of limitations which must be observed.

6. Collection and Processing of Business Partner Data


  • Establishment and performance of a contract
  • Processing of customer requests, complaints and appointment arrangements
  • Newsletter to existing customers

Legal basis:

Art. 6 (1) b GDPR or Art. 6 (1) f GDPR in conjunction with § 7 para. 3 UWG for the newsletter to existing customers

Legitimate interest: Effective communication with service providers and customer companies as well as advertising to existing customers in connection with our services

Categories of Personal Data:

  • Personal master data: first name, last name
  • Company address data: street, house number, postal code, city, country
  • Contact data: telephone number(s), e-mail address(es)
  • Organizational data: customer company/function

Categories Of Recipients of The Personal Data:

  • IT service providers for maintenance and support
  • Hosting service providers
  • IT service providers for sending of newsletters to existing customers

Transfer of Personal Data to a Third Country:

There is no transfer of personal data to a Third Country by the Fürstenberg Institut.

Retention Period:

We delete the personal data collected during communication and cooperation with business partners after the storage is no longer necessary unless there are legal retention obligations or statutes of limitations which must be observed.

7. Online events for end customers


  • Processing of the contract and the event, which is offered via the platform of our reseller partner.

Legal basis:
Art. 6 (1) b GDPR or Art. 6 (1) a GDPR in the case of a newsletter registration

Categories of Recipients of the Personal Data:

  • Reseller partner namotto Universal Brands, Potsdamer Straße 125, 10783 Berlin, Germany for purchase and payment processing. 
  • Video service provider
  • IT service provider for sending newsletters
Categories of Personal Data:
• Personal master data (surname, first name, address)
• Communication data (e-mail address, telephone number)
• Contract master data (name of the event)
• Customer history (e.g. products purchased)
• Contract billing and payment data (e.g. payment method, invoices)
• Technical data (e.g. IP address, device, browser)
• Content data (e.g. videos, images, text, audio, files)
Transfer of Personal Data to a Third Country:

There is no transfer of personal data to a Third Country by the Fürstenberg Institut.

Retention Period:
We delete the personal data collected during communication and cooperation with business partners after the storage is no longer necessary unless there are legal retention obligations or statutes of limitations which must be observed.
We store the data collected in connection with the newsletter for as long as there is an interactive exchange or until consent is revoked.

8. Collection of Personal Data from Interested Parties for the Purpose of Acquisition

The following information describes how your personal data is processed if you are interested in our services or events.


  • Interested parties/acquisition: preparation of offers and scheduling of meetings.

Legal basis:

Art. 6 (1) a GDPR Consent

Categories of Personal Data:

  • Personal master data: first name, last name
  • Contact data: telephone number(s), e-mail address(es)
  • Organizational data: organisation/function

Categories Of Recipients of The Personal Data:

  • Hosting service providers for organizing and broadcasting online events.
  • Providers of video service tools in the case of online events.

Transfer of Personal Data to a Third Country:

There is no transfer of personal data to a Third Country by the Fürstenberg Institut.

Retention Period:

We store the personal data related to the acquisition as long as there is an interactive exchange or until the consent is revoked.

9. Doorbell Cameras in front of Our Offices


  • To protect our offices, video doorbell systems (doorbell cameras) are installed at the entrance of our offices. These are activated when the doorbell is pressed. There is no image recording. The image is only displayed for a short time to our employees at the reception.

Legal basis:

  • Art. 6 (1) f GDPR Legitimate interest: Protection of property

Categories Of Recipients of The Personal Data:

  • There is no transfer to third parties.

Transfer of Personal Data to a Third Country:

  • There is no transfer of personal data to a Third Country by the Fürstenberg Institut.

Retention Period:

  • No image is stored therefore no retention period applies.
10. Collection and Processing of Personal Data within the Recruitment Application Process


  • Identification, contact initiation and related communication.
  • Applicant selection.
  • Establishment of an employment contract.
  • Talent Pool

Legal basis:

Art. 26 Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG), Art. 6 (1) a GDPR

Categories of Personal Data:

  • Personal master data: first name, last name, date of birth
  • Contact data: telephone number(s), e-mail address(es)
  • Address data
  • Application data

Categories Of Recipients of The Personal Data:

  • Other departments within the Fürstenberg Institut
  • Hosting service providers for the hosting of the application processing platform

Transfer of Personal Data to a Third Country:

There is no transfer of personal data to a Third Country by the Fürstenberg Institut.

Retention Period:

6 months or up to 2 years if you have agreed to the storage of your data in our Talent Pool, unless you have revoked your consent before the 2 years

11. Collection of Personal Data When Visiting the Website

When you visit our website, general data is collected and stored in the server's log files.


  • Establishment of the connection.
  • Correct display of the website content.
  • Detection of attacks on our website based on unusual activities.
  • Error diagnosis.

Legal basis:

Art. 6 (1) f GDPR Legitimate interest

Legitimate interest: Proper functioning of services, security of data and business processes, prevention of misuse, prevention of damage due to interference with information systems.

Categories of Personal Data:

  • Access data: Date and time of the visit to our service; the page from which the accessing system arrived at our site; pages accessed during use; session identification data (session ID).
  • Internet protocol address (IP address) used, browser type and version, device type and operating system.

Categories Of Recipients of The Personal Data:

  • IT security service providers: Prevention of attacks by detecting security vulnerabilities.
  • Law enforcement authorities in the event of a cyber-attack.

Transfer of Personal Data to a Third Country:

There is no transfer of personal data to a Third Country by the Fürstenberg Institut.

Retention Period:

7 days

12. Tracking to Analyse and Optimize Our Services and Their Use, As Well As To Measure The Success Of Advertising Campaigns And Optimize The Display Of Advertising.


The analysis of user behaviour by means of tracking helps us to check the effectiveness of our services, to optimize them and adapt them to the needs of users, and to correct errors. Tracking to measure the success of advertising campaigns is used to optimize our ads for the future.

Legal basis:

The information on the tracking methods used can be found in the privacy settings (Consent Management Tool).

13. Data Subject Rights

13.1 Right to Object

If we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object at any time, with future effect, to the processing of personal data concerning yourself for the purpose of such advertising.

You also have the right to object at any time, for reasons arising from your particular situation, with future effect, to the processing of personal data concerning yourself, which is carried out in accordance with Art. 6(1)(e) or (f) of the GDPR. You can exercise your right to object free of charge. You can contact us using the contact details provided above.

13.2 Right to Information

You have the right to know whether we process personal data affecting you, what personal data this is, and other information in accordance with Art. 15 of the GDPR.

13.3 Right to Rectification

You have the right to demand that we correct incorrect personal data affecting you (Art. 16 of the GDPR). Taking the purpose of processing into account, you have the right to demand that incomplete personal data be completed – even in the form of a supplementary explanation.

13.4 Right to Erasure (“Right to be Forgotten”)

You have the right to demand that we immediately delete all personal data affecting you immediately, insofar as one of the reasons in Art. 17(1) of the GDPR applies and processing is not necessary for one of the purposes outlined in Art. 17(3) of the GDPR.

13.5  Right to Restriction of Processing

You have the right to demand the limitation of the processing of your personal data if one of the requirements outlined in Art. 18(1)(a) to (d) of the GDPR applies.

13.6 Right to Data Portability

You have the right to receive personal data affecting you as provided by you in a structured, standard machine-readable format. Furthermore, you have the right to transfer this data to another responsible authority without hindrance from us, or to have it transferred directly by us insofar as is technically possible. This should always be the case if data processing is based on consent or a contract and the data is processed automatically. This does not apply to data only received in paper form.

13.7 Right to Withdraw Consent

If processing is based on consent issued by you, you have the right to revoke your consent at any time. The lawfulness of any processing up to the point of revocation shall remain unaffected.

13.8 Right to Complain

You have the right to complain to a supervisory body.