
A good balance between work and private life has a positive effect on well-being. There may well be differences between individuals over whether a higher personal priority is placed on one or the other. What is important is the subjectively perceived balance and good interaction between the two areas.

When work and private life are out of balance

a cheerful man using smart phone at home

A healthy balance between work and private life and a successful interaction between work, leisure and family boosts the productivity, satisfaction, motivation and performance of employees. However, achieving this balance is a challenge for many. Many working people feel that they have not achieved this balance and that work takes precedence over personal life, or vice versa. This feeling can be a source of considerable stress. Self-reflection is the first step towards making the necessary adjustments to restore balance.

Areas of life that are relevant for an optimal work-life balance

Often, the topics of work and private life are viewed separately. But a healthy work-life balance is about connecting and integrating work and private life – and doing so in a way that feels good and balanced for the individual. There is no one ideal work-life balance; each person defines for themselves what feels right for them. There are several areas that play an important role for most people when it comes to achieving balance.

1. Health and body

This includes everything to do with physical and mental health - for example, sufficient time to relax, adequate exercise, a healthy diet and restful sleep. For an optimal work-life balance, it is important to also take time for yourself and reflect on whether you are behaving in a way that promotes health.

2. Work

Satisfying and fulfilling work offers a lot of potential for a successful work-life balance but also the danger that a lot of time and energy is invested only in this area of life and other needs fall by the wayside. For a good work-life balance, it is important to also take breaks, spend time offline, enjoy your work and receive appreciative feedback for work well done.

3. Contacts and relationships

Social contacts and interpersonal relationships include friends, family, one's partner, acquaintances and also work colleagues. Perceived attention and recognition play just as important a role in achieving a successful balance as the pursuit of hobbies in one's free time and the experience of fun, pleasure and enjoyment of life in a non-work context. In addition to providing balance, the social environment can also be a source of support and reduce the sense of stress in challenging situations.

4. Meaning and spirituality

Most people strive for self-realization. This doesn't have to be at work; it can also apply to the private sphere. The feeling of doing something that is meaningful motivates people and fills them with satisfaction.

On the way to a good work-life balance

Person with flashes over head
Rethink expectations
Check whether everything you set out to do actually needs to be done right away. What can you give to someone else to do? What can you perhaps get done next week?
Many small timeouts
Taking regular breaks, spending time offline and enjoying an extended holiday can provide balance to stressful times and keep you productive.
hand with a gift
Look for support
Sometimes you can't see the wood for the trees. Seek help and support when you feel you can no longer find a sense of balance on your own.

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