Everyday life is full of challenges. We all face them. We help you overcome them. Moritz Hagedorn is a systemic counsellor at the Fürstenberg Institute and, like all of our other trained experts, is on hand to help all employees of our client companies with their challenges, whether they are personal, professional or health-related.

Your partner for Mental Health
We strengthen companies and their employees in the area of Mental & Corporate Health since more than 30 years. With many years of experience, our holistic, scientifically based approach and great commitment, we personally accompany you on your way to a healthy and long-term successful company. Discover our wide range of services.

For deaf and hearing-impaired clients, we also offer our counseling in German Sign Language (DGS). If you would like to take advantage of this offer, you can book counselors who are specially trained for systemic counseling with the support of German Sign Language.

Our occupational Health & Safety programme ensures the highest standard of contemporary corporate health for your company. We promote stable growth in a healthy working environment by means of innovative, flexible and comprehensive support in the fields of occupational health and safety and occupational medicine.
Our services for healthy companies

We are exactly where you need us

Our holistic view of your company
We see your company as a holistic system comprising three levels: employees, management and the organization as a whole. This view enables us to recognize and point out important connections of Mental & Corporate Health and to provide specific support in the form of suitable measures – in accordance with your individual concerns and needs.

Your employees
The heart of your company
We empower your employees in all aspects of their professional and private lives, recognize and develop their potential and support them in becoming and staying healthy.

Your managers
Linking everything together
The leadership services we offer provide your managers with exactly the support they need to confidently perform their leadership role in the company.

The company
Seen as a whole
For us, companies are a totality of culture, structures and processes. With this perspective, we jointly develop holistic measures targeting your current concerns and challenges.
Trusting customer relationships
A selection of our client companies:

Overall rating “very good”
Founded with a vision
Always well advised - with heart and experience

A passionate commitment to mental health and years of experience characterizes us and our work. These values are also reflected in our highly qualified counselors, coaches and trainers. As people you can contact in all life situations, they have both feet firmly on the ground and ensure that our high standards are continually met by regularly receiving further training and maintaining a strong customer orientation.