Everyday family life & organization in the family

In every family there are everyday tasks and challenges that need to be mastered. This is where the organizational skills of each individual family member are needed. Support in everyday family life or even family counseling can help.

Families and everyday family life exist in numerous facets

family with two kids lying on the top of each other being cheerful and playful {:de}

Families can live together in a wide variety of constellations and experience many tasks, responsibilities and challenges in their everyday lives that need to be mastered, structured and organized. Whether small families, patchwork families, multi-generational constellations, separated families or parts of a separated family, or single parents – all family forms have individual concerns, be it in education, in the household, the children’s development at school, challenges during puberty, or with the partner’s family. Each family tries to find its optimal and “ideal” family way of life.

Meeting demands and challenges in everyday family life

Staying in balance as a family is usually a challenge at all stages of life. Especially often in the so-called “rush hour of life” between the ages of 30 and 50, there can be stress, restlessness, and a shift out of balance. This is because many demands and events affect individuals at the same time during this period. For example, the birth of the first child often coincides with career leaps or building a house. The demand to optimally balance all these wishes and challenges is a challenge for families. This has an impact on the atmosphere in families and can lead to tensions among each other. To take the pressure off and reduce demands and expectations, the following impulses can be helpful.

1. Recognize the individual family situation

It can be helpful to be aware of the reality of life that belongs individually to one's own family. It strengthens the family to recognize what each individual does every day and to treat each other with more appreciation. By accepting one's own situation, stress potentials can be recognized, conflicts can be addressed and habits can be identified. In this way, everyday family life can be rethought and opportunities arise to optimize processes and organization in the family.

2. Freeing from the image of the "ideal family“

When the focus is on comparison with other families or on conventions, it can create pressure. It is helpful to turn the focus from the outside in and put the perceived expectations or demands of others to the back of the mind. For example, it does good to step back from thinking about how things "should" go, how you "should" come across as a couple, and how the children "might" behave. It can be perceived as very relieving, especially for parents, to consciously reflect together on their own values and needs and to discuss the compatibility of the wishes of the various family members.

3. A family constantly evolves

A family in its entirety and also the individual family members are constantly evolving. Something that was helpful a few months ago may no longer work after some time. When the reality of life, the wishes, needs and resources of the family members change, everyday family life may and must also adapt and evolve. It is always necessary to try out new ways.

Considerations to organize everyday family life

What do we need support with?
What issues are you dealing with in the family? From whom could you get support?
Heart over one hand
What are the expectations?
Where do our desires and expectations come from? Do they come from outside or are they really your own goals and values?
How are tasks distributed?
Are tasks fairly distributed and is each family member clear about which tasks he/she has to do?
Person with thundercloud over head
How do we communicate needs?
Do you openly address when you feel you are overwhelmed or need support?

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A good balance between work and private life has a positive effect on well-being. It may well differ whether a higher personal priority is placed on one or the other. What is important is the subjectively perceived balance and good interaction between the two areas.

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